Thursday, May 17, 2007

Missional Another example In My Neighborhood

Here's another great example:

Missional In My Neighborhood

A determined caller asked, "What can I do to be missional in my neighborhood?"

I love questions that seek to create opportunities to share the simple 'love' of Jesus. So I offered a quick list of suburbia ideas for the caller to consider for her 'neck of the Northern California suburbia woods'

I've always felt awkward when I'm resting at a stop light, trying not to look at the homeless panhandler (Icon of God) out my driver's side window. I know, I know..."they do this as a scam to make easy money off of guilt ridden passers-by." I don't care. I want to meet a need, and I want to do it cheerfully and loving.

Whenever I go to McDonald's or any fast food location of your appetite's choice, I buy multiple $5 gift cards.

Last week I purchased $25 worth and placed the cards above my car's visor. Now, whenever I see someone asking for 'some help', I quickly pull one of the cards out from the visor and tell them to go get a warm lunch on me.

If the light is longer than normal, it creates a conversation.

I now pray for "Jimmy" on a daily basis, and I look for him each Wednesday afternoon during my drive into the radio station. We've struck up a dialog each time I've handed him the card. He's confounded at the 'love in forethought' that goes into buying the cards. Last week a small break through...he told me to keep praying for him as I drove away.

Read the rest Here.

1 comment:

brad brisco said...


Here is something my wife and kids do each week:

Every Monday evening you and your children bake cookies. On Tuesday morning you separate the cookies into three clear zip-lock plastic bags and write a note of thanks for keeping the neighborhood clean on each of the bags. You place the bags and three cans of Pepsi on top of the trash container outside for the three trash men. At Christmas time you buy each of them a gift certificate for their favorite place to eat lunch.

Also, here is a post I put up today on simply building relationships with neighbors: