Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What does this Mean for the Missional Church?

Thanks to JR for pointing this out:

What does this mean for the Missional church?

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Makeesha said...

wow. for one thing, we need to take advice from Mustard Seed Versus McWorld and future-think more than we do.

Andy in Germany said...

During this presentation over 120 children died from easily preventable diseases and 6 women died during childbirth or pregnancy.

Of those babies born in India, the girls are 50% more likely to die by age 5 then boys.

Just a thought.

Andy in Germany said...

On the other hand...

I find this exciting. We are in a time of unprecedented change in the world, and possibly in the church. I feel that we're no linger trying to catch up with other people, drag our services into the 20th century when the rest of the world has already reached the 21st. We are right there in the middle as this major shift takes place. It seems God is giving us a chance have a chance to catch up on the last few hundred years and to be part of what is happening now.