Saturday, May 26, 2007

Missional - Missional Ministry and the Technology challenge

Found this article the other day:

Report: 48% of Leisure Time is Spent Online

MarketingVOX: A report from Media-Screen finds that broadband users spend an average of 48 percent of their free time online in a typical weekday, reports the Center for Media Research. The percentage measures out to about one hour and 40 minutes.

On average, online broadband users devote 27 percent of their time online to leisure/entertainment, 27 percent for communication, 9 percent on information searches, 15 percent on personal productivity, and 12 percent on shopping.

Among younger users, 48 percent report they learn about new entertainment mainly through peer-powered sites like social networks, review and video sites, and blogs.

Two media activities - sending email and visiting sites for personal reasons - are more popular than watching TV.

You can find the original article here.

I think this has real significance for those individuals and churches seeking to be missional.

More young people surf the web than watch TV!

So part of the problem resides in the fact that we want to bring pre-believers into an atmosphere where in most churches we are technology challenged. The first thing these folks think is that suddenly they are beng asked to be part of a group who doesnt understand them.

What do we need to do? What can be done?

We need to not be affraid of Blogs, MySpace, Social Networking, emailing prayer reports and Bible study resources. Create ebooks and other resources.

It doesnt take much to record services as MP3's or video files anymore and put them online. Free services like YouTube and others host all this content free.

People are looking for an ongoing conversation. One that doesnt end when the service ends. But one that is a continuation. How can we do creative things to extend that conversation?

But the first step in tradtional churches who long to move missionally must be able to integrate technology in a seamless way that allows for new people to see thought, planning and consideration going into how technology is being used. And not just in the presentation during the service but in the use during the week and thepromotion of that ongoing conversation.

How can we use the powerful tool of modern communication to increase the scope, reach and quality of our conversations with those who are in our congregations?

Any Ideas?

1 comment:

Barry O'Connell said...

Can we have church in a cyberchurch sense. Is it church? If it were then women should be silent but in the internet age would that apply to typing.
Can women type?
Thanks Jerry in advance, I know you would know.