Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Forgotten Ways - The Church's Needed Missional Response

Over the weekend my Copy of Alan Hirsch's: The Forgotten Ways arrived. Since then I have been consumed. So I thought I'd share some thoughtson the book. But I fear with so many reviews of this floating around, mine is a little late to the party.

But, I'm gonna add my 2 cents.

This is the book that has been within my soul. It's the call to the church to return to it's calling. Alan wonderfully provides in roads and a map to where the future of the church needs to go. Some critics have said there's nothing new in this book because there is no answers. Well I believe that the answer is different in every situation. But each situation needs a map to the future and this book provides that.

I also jumped for joy at this statement from Alan to the church as a whole:

"A note of warning for those leading in established churches:what Western Christianity desperately needs at the moment is adaptive leadership - people who can help us transition to a different, more agile, mode of church. Such leaders don't necessarily have to be highly creative innovators themselves, but rather people who can move the church in adaptive modes - people who can disturb the stifling equilibrium and create the conditions change and innovation."(pg 257.)

I want to be a part of that movement.

I highly recommend the book.

Thanks Alan for putting to paper this map for the future, may many follow it.

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