Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Missional Lawyer

I saw this news story.

Lawyer finds he can be a minister, too

This is a prime example of living the Missional life.

What can we learn from this?

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have some great stuff here... I am trying to move more into the missional ideal... as I see that as the outgrowth of what we need to do in the emerging church... organic and naturally flowing... Spirit lead... missional living!

I see on your blog that it does not take a "revival meetin'" to come to town but rather just keeping an open heart and open eyes to see the need and fill it with the love of Christ Jesus..

We are blessed, why? To go and bless! To reach out and reconcile all creation by lifting Jesus up..

I will be adding you blog to my blog roll soon...
