Friday, November 10, 2006

Missional Bread sticks?

I took left over breadsticks from the olive garden to a friend who was working a second job, you'd have thought I brought her a check for $1,000!

She was excited and telling everyone around how wonderful and kind it was.

This is a lady I work with everyday at my job (I have to work a job to support my ministry habit don't you know!) and she 2 1/2 years ago was as hostile towards believers as anyone Ive ever met.

The fact I was a preacher - just set her off more.

Now after years of fixing her computer, furnance, toilet and many times out to lunch. We are now friends. She talks to me and we enjoy a growing friendship.

Have we had a Jesus talk yet? nope
Has she seen Jesus? I believe so

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Anonymous said...

Found you today via a link from another blog...

Totally agree with your approach. I have similar friends whom I've been living it out in front of them for several years. Keep living it.

breathe fire.

Jarvis said...

A friend of mine Glenn did something similar. His new neighbor was hostile toward the gospel. So one day Glenn mowed his lawn when he wasn't home. Then he trimmed his hedges another day. Two years later Glenn baptized him, and ten years after that they are still best buds. jdl is never fails. You can argue about many things, but not acts of love.


Colin A. Lamm said...

I know that it probably shouldn't amaze me, but it does, how simple acts of kindness from a heart of love - and in the midst of life - can open the door to the gospel.

Too often we erroneously see faith being planted strictly through the implimentation of programs and agendas. The fact is, that more often than not the seed is planted through simple acts of love, as we live our lives alongside of others.

Colin A. Lamm said...

I know that it probably shouldn't amaze me, but it does, how simple acts of kindness from a heart of love - and in the midst of life - can open the door to the gospel.

Too often we erroneously see faith being planted strictly through the implimentation of programs and agendas. The fact is, that more often than not the seed is planted through simple acts of love, as we live our lives alongside of others.