Thursday, November 09, 2006

Church Parking Lot - Missional?

I drove by a church parking lot tonite.

The sign said First Church Parking Lot - Church Parking Only!

In light of God working in me in a missional way, this floored me.

Here's a parking lot, off the beaten path, owned by a church for use only for church events.

Contrast this with Wal-Marts parking rules: overnighters welcome, truckers welcome!

So Wal-Mart welcomes while the church turns a need away.

Im certain its this kind of exclusive attitude that has turned not just potential parkers, but many others away from the church.

Being missional can be something as simple as making your parking lot available for some in need.

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Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

This is a great thought...

I linked to it and gave some other ideas about Missional Activities.

bob hyatt said...

hmmm.. great idea!

TK said...

In many ways, it's the simple stuff that is so important.

thanks for the thoughts.
