Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Missional Teaching Outline - Help!

Ken has been asking about missional passages. He also sent me a copy of an outline of sermons he's considering preaching on.

The goal is to preach the telling of God’s meta-narrative and His mission in the world.

Below is his outline:

Beginning with Creation,
Then the Fall,
Then the call of Abraham to be a blessing to all nations,
Then maybe the call and covenant with David,
Then maybe some of the prophet’s words (Isaiah probably) of Jews and Gentiles being brought together under the Messiah,
Then the coming of Jesus - the Word becoming flesh,
Then Jesus’ call for His followers to go and make disciples,
Then the birth of the Church at Pentecost,
Then the missional actions of the early church,
And then the final vision in Revelation of peoples from all over the world coming together with Jesus.

What would you add? Are there other topics that you would include and if so what scriptures? So what's your idea?

My hope is this will help everyone seeking to present missional thinking to others.

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