Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Missional Tattoo????

Well checked out tonite’s Miami Ink. Pastor Cleetus is on getting a Blue Jesus.

Why does Pastor Cleetus get tattoo’s?????? His words on the show were “to start………conversation’s”

So here we go…..we have missional tattoo’s! Pastor cleetus says each tattoo has led someone to the Lord.

You can see Pastor Cleetus churches website here. He is certainly…….”Born to Raze Hell!”

PS as a disclaimer my wife Beth has a missional tattoo. I’ve seen her tell the story of the tattoo and what it means in elevators and malls and restaurants.

God can even use tattoos to be missional!

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Randy said...

Hey Jerry I say you dropped a line on my last post [on ChOG Migration]I don't know if this counts but I have some ink too. I Thes. 5:17 on my forearm. It was the first Greek the tattoo artist had done. He copied my hand writing. here's the picture link:

Peace, Randy

Andy in Germany said...

And to think we were told no-one could have a tatoo visible on out Thailand outreach...

Jarvis said...

Do scars count? lol I have had many conversations started by some of my physical scars. They may not be as impressive, but they work too!
