Friday, March 09, 2007

Simple Missional Ideas - Homeless

HT to Todd: for pointing to this link!

Here's a sample of a list of 35 ways to help the homeless by

1. Understand Who the Homeless Are - Help dispel the stereotypes about the homeless. Learn about the different reasons for homelessness, and remember, every situation is unique.

2. Respect the Homeless as Individuals - Give the homeless people the same courtesy and respect you would accord your friends, your family, your employer. Treat them as you would wish to be treated if you needed assistance.

3. Respond with Kindness - We can make quite a difference in the lives of the homeless when we respond to them, rather than ignore or dismiss them. Try a kind word and a smile.

4. Develop Lists of Shelters - Carry a card that lists local shelters so you can hand them out to the homeless. You can find shelters in your Yellow Pages.

5. Buy "Street News" - This biweekly newspaper is sold in almost every major American city and is intended to help the homeless help themselves. For every paper sold, the homeless earn five cents deposited in a special savings account earmarked for rent. What an impact!

6. Bring Food - It's as simple as taking a few extra sandwiches when you go out. When you pass someone who asks for change, offer him or her something to eat. If you take a lunch, pack a little extra. When you eat at a restaurant, order something to take with you when you leave.

You may read the rest of the list Here!

What would you add to this list??

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J. Guy Muse said...


Greetings from Ecuador in South America. Thanks for recently visiting me over at my blog. I have added you to my blog reader and have enjoyed reading through your past articles. Keep up the good work! I look forward to reading your new material in the days to come.

Andy in Germany said...

2 possibilities:

1. When you have time, and you've said hello a few times, sit down and talk to people. And don't talk about God until you have permission. Sometimes you'll get snarled at, but 99% of the time homeless people appreciate people talking to them and investing the time. It's also an eye opening experience to see how they are treated by passers-by.

2: Many homeless people have dogs, and if you give thema a sandwich half (or all of it) will go to the dog. It is, after all, their only companion and protection. So take dog biscuits as well as sandwiches, so both can eat.