Friday, March 30, 2007

Missional U2 Praise and Worship

Thanks Brad for the link.

Bono does worship.

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Barry O'Connell said...

Hey Jerry,
God did not give me your gifts or your talents, he gave me mine. Watching Bono I just was thinking Bono uses his own unique gifts to the Glory of God. Being Missional is post justification living our faith in our own way to the Glory of God. You may have noticed how badly I sing but I sing the best I can to the Glory of God both in church and in the world. Like my dear old daddy used to say, "It is not how well the bear dances, it is that he dances at all". So like a dancing bear I try to live each day to the Glory of God. Loving the people who love me is the easy part but also loving the hard to love and praying for them and looking for opportunities to talk about Jesus Chris is my little mission field. Along the way I find myself to be occasionally Missional. Not because I start out to be Missional but because if God lives in my heart how can I help it.
Best wishes,
Barry O'Connell

Webb Kline said...

Wow! This was awesome. Do you know where this was?

The thing is, Bono has earned the right to worship no matter who he performs in front of. He gets a way with it because people have seen his heart and faith in action. It's for that reason that many of his naysayers in evangelicalism have NOT earned that same right.

That is a subject with some very deep roots.