Friday, February 02, 2007

Missional Ladies ..... a Little Help Please!

I have recently been asked to supply a list of missional lady bloggers.

I have no such list.

So if your a missional blogging lady, please leave a comment so I can added you to the list and send it to the organization that has requested this information!

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Shaula said...

I don't know what you are looking for exactly. I don't blog exclusively about the missional concept. My heart beats for the missional church, so I believe it seeps into my blog. I blog about faith, life, and church planting.

Shaula said...

Oh, my blog is You can check it out.

John Smulo said...

A handful of blogs that I think fit this category are:

Nen said...

well... we host a house church... but I don't know if that makes us missional. I am relatively new to the internet and "buzz words" - missional and I didn't even know there was controversy with the "emerging" church until last year...

I blog about home, life, and our church and worship gatherings. link to me if you'd like, but either way I will definitely enjoy reading this sight!!