Saturday, December 30, 2006

Missional Kid

One of the greatest joys of parenting is whem you kids begin to understand what it is your trying to teach them.

Our children (Jamin 14 and phoebe 12) have always been involved with our ministry. They are constantly asking when the next trip to Philly is or when the next shoebox project is. They wanna know if we are gonna do more this year than we did last year, etc etc.

So we know they are around it, but I always wondering do they get it? Do they understand? My daughter says she wants to be a missionary and my son a preacher (Lord help him!)

My daughter wrapped all my Christmas presents this year for me and I paid her. So yesterday she cam to collect the money. I asked her what she planned to do with the money and she told me she was going to the fabric store. She loves to sew and needed material for a new project. Well I harassed her about buying me something and sent her on her way.

When she came home I asked her what she bought, "oh just some fabric she said" and she showed my this piece that came as a kit, to be made into a blanket. I said to her, "Phee you don't need another blanket." She gets a very serious look on her face and proceeds to tell me this, "Dad, it's not for me. My sewing teacher told me about a group called Project Linus, they have people make blankets for children with cancer, so I'm gonna make a couple for kids who need to know they are loved."

Well let's just say, she put me in my place. I'm more convinced every day that it doesnt take much to change how people see the world. I'm blessed my kids are showing signs they understand. Oh btw, hey Phoebe! Your already a missionary!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great story and great kids by the way.

John Lunt