Monday, November 13, 2006

Ideas For Being a Missional Church

First let me say thank you to Reggie McNeal for permission to share some my notes from his seminar on Saturday. You can find Reggie at Missional Community. Please contact him there if you have any questions.

Some of these have my own spin to them and some are my ideas after listening to Reggie and brainstorming.

Secondly, to my blog friends who have asked for missional ideas, Here they are, please share them!

1. Don’t be a blessing – instead – Go Bless 3 people this week. Make sure 1 person doesn’t deserve it. Stop talking about wanting to be and go do!

2. Offer to pray to for people who are serving you. Waiters, waitresses gas attendants, fast food servers, store clerks, laundry staff etc etc. You get the picture. Offer to pray 9 outta 10 will let you. This is your opportunity to show them love and concern.

3. Be financially generous with tips. Your tip is a reflection of Jesus in you.

4. Starbucks Blessing – offer to pray for your barista! (we missional types are coffeeholics so we might as well make a ministry out of it.

5. Build buildings to meet community needs and then figure out how the church is gonna use them on Sunday for church. This require you know what your communities needs are!

6. Adopt a school. Schools have a micro social system that resembles your community. If you wanna know whats going on in your community then volunterr. What can you do? Anything the school needs: playground attendants, help with teacher move in day, offer to paint, clean up the playground, playground extreme makeover, mentoring, hotline volunteer or homework help. Theres sooooo many things.

7. Extreme makeover for a community services organization. Pregnancy care center, after school program, homeless shelter etc. (If your looking for a project in Philadelphia like this, I know a after school program who’s facility is in desperate need of a makeover!)

8. Volunteer with a local service agency. Habitat for Humanity, American Rescue Workers, Salvation Army or many others.

9. Purchase a hot food trailer and train staff to man it for local emergencies. Like fire or floods. The trailer and be a source for handing out water, hot drinks and simple food stuffs like hamburgers and salads to feed those in need or emergency workers.

10. Check out Our Beautiful and discover how you can organize and event like that.

11. Organize a blood drive.

12. Start a community supported agriculture project (CSA) run by church families for the benefit of a local food program or to be given to those in neeed.

13. Check out Paint the Town at the bottom of this page..

14. Support (completely) a couple who will move into an apartment high rise. They will set up community programs and ministry to a population of people who only have a 2% church attendance rate.

15. Start a church “Geek Squad” to go into peoples home to set up electronics, conduct training and fix computers.

16. Conduct the 90 minute field trip. Send your church out into the community to just go to a place and sit for 90 minutes and watch what is going on. Send them to a park, wal mart, the mall and observe. Doing this will begin to give people a picture of the needs around them.

17. Think green – volunteer to your community to adopt a public space and turn it into a park.

18. Buy a snowblower – the big commercial type – 1 pass does the walk. And task someone to use it to clear all the neighbors walks during storms.

19. How about the same idea with a lawn mower?

20. Winterization crew for the elderly.

There’s so much we can do. Be creative and take a risk. Now it’s your turn, What is your church doing to reach out missionally in your community?

Link to Reggie Podcats

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Anonymous said...

just so you'll know, you can get a weekly podcast from reggie mcneal at

Missional Jerry said...

Ill add the link

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll bite, how does one go finding people to actually use the help of a "geek squad"? I really like this idea as I think it's one of my core strengths. However, I don't know all that many people to help with my skills outside of my personal acquaintances. Love to see more on this.

Missional Jerry said...

here's a church doing geek squad stuff