Saturday, November 04, 2006

Do We Really need this kind of Pub?

Two news stories confirmed to me why pre-believers have such a hard time with the church.

First there's Ted need I say any more?

Then there's this peach of an article here. (I know I picked an anti-right publication, but I did it so we can see what others are saying - there's a similar article in this month's Wired magazine)

Between the moral stumbles and hawkish ferventism is it any wonder why its hard to impact our neighbors even when we wanna be missional?

So here's what I want you to do.

Share with me some more missional stories. I wanna hear them and then I'll share them. We need to see missional in action, Jesus love in action and since we are His hands and feet the stories must come from us. So ......... What's your story?

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Anonymous said...

I am thinking that this stuff might be bad publicity for the world of organized religion that claims to be "Christendom" - but it does not have to be viewed as bad publicity for Jesus.

I am hoping we can get back to a place that we proclaim Him - far too often we are proclaim ourselves and appear to be attempting to sell our grouping to the world - hoping to win them into our grouping.

I am thinking that if we lift Him up He can redeem this mess. There is hope. He is redeeming it all!

Take Care,

Jarvis said...

There is no doubt a distinction is being made, and in fact the bible said there would be in the "last days".

However, I have found it difficult too when sharing the person of Jesus with my pre-believing friends they think the 'church' is synonymous with the character of 'Jesus'. It has been increasingly difficult to make repeated apologies for the church's action seen not just in the media, but their personal experiences in local churches as well. I once heard someone say, "The gospel would have made it through the whole world by now, if it wasn't for the church..."

It's time to stop leading people to church, and start leading them to Jesus. God give us the courage and Your integrity to take Your character upon us, Your bride.
