Monday, September 11, 2006

A Missional Seeker

Jesus said, “I came to seek and to save that which was lost.” Seems to me Jesus spent His time out in the world looking for those who were lost.

When did the church decide that its role was to wait for the lost to find them? There is the thought that we must make our churches inviting, exciting and happening so that people will want to stop.

I remember when I had my church I would pray that as people drove by and saw the activity that they would wonder what was going on and stop and check it out. How foolish I feel now for ever uttering such a prayer.

The attitude of Jesus was, “I’ll go find those who need me.” The attitude of the church has been, “We hope those who need us find us.”

A missional church is one who goes into the world and seeks those who need Jesus.

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1 comment:

Bob Carder said...

Where have you been? I have been looking for guys who hare a passion I have (or I share yours). This is encouraging as I swim against the tide of spiritual leaders and comfortable believers who cannot see the sin of it all.
